
Start playing ukulele today!
Ever thought about picking up the ukulele? Stuck using the same strumming patterns? Want to play higher up on the fretboard?

Then look no further! You can sign up for ukulele lessons with me and we can begin expanding your ukulele playing. I have been teaching all ages with skill levels ranging from first timers to advanced players for the past 23 years. It is one of my life joys to teach and share music with people from all corners of the world.

Currently I am offering private and small group classes online via Zoom.

A big MAHALO to all the inquiries for lessons! I am currently at capacity for private one on one classes and have been putting prospective students on a waitlist. If you are interested in signing up, please send me an email with WAITING LIST in the subject. To keep things fair, I am going down the list chronologically so let me know so I can save your spot.
Mahalo for all the love and for your patience.
In the interim, I have do have online workshops and am back to doing in-person events! Go to the
Upcoming Events tab for more information.

Drop-In Saturday

That last Saturday of each month is now Drop-In Saturday! I’ve opened up one-on-one classes for students who don’t necessarily have the time to take weekly lessons. Have a few questions that deserve some one-on-one attention? Want to get your form checked out or learn how to practice a technique? 

Then sign up for a drop-in session! Those who have signed up on the waitlist for weekly lessons will get priority and then will be open on a first come first serve basis. So if you are interested and want to save your spot then please fill out the form on the Contact Page and check YES under Drop In Saturday.

The next Saturday will be on February 8/31/24